To whom, how and where can i buy caverject? All about injectable aprostadil work. A solution to erectile dysfunction.

EXPLANATORY NOTE FOR READERS: The Caverject offer has been declining so much in recent months that even the distributors we knew of, have already sold out. The shortage is widespread and it is necessary to start using master formulas equivalent to aprostadil or in their place alternatives or non-injectable substitutes (Impulse, Edex, Muse, etc.) as […]

Impotence, incontinence and other problems after prostate surgery

The after-effects of a prostatectomy are often severe. When a patient receives the news at the specialist’s office that he must undergo TUR (trans-urethral resection), he is often unaware that it is a medical condition that will affect him in the medium and long term in his daily life. We are talking about the so-called […]

The 4 surgical techniques most demanded to urologists

Curvature of the penis A moderately curved (bent or crooked) penis is very normal in males. The problem begins when this curvature affects or makes sexual intercourse difficult, or when urination is difficult or causes pain to the patient. The curved penis has two possible clinical forms: Incurvature from birth (congenital curve of the penis) […]

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