It’s official….. the average penis size is almost 14 cm

At long last, a study to do away with much of the controversy about penis size and perhaps at the same time ease the problems shared by many people throughout the Western world, starting of course with Spain. According to new research, the average length of the erect penis in Europe and the rest of […]

At long last, a study to do away with much of the controversy about penis size and perhaps at the same time ease the problems shared by many people throughout the Western world, starting of course with Spain.

According to new research, the average length of the erect penis in Europe and the rest of the world is almost “14 centimetres”, or about 5.5 inches. The standard we followed not long ago was that of BJU International, but very recently (2023) this new paper has emerged with a more robust statistical sample, outperforming its predecessor by as much as a factor of 3. If you want more technical details, you can read the full study in The World Journal of Men’s Health.

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You can read the full study in the World Journal of Men's Health

Although many men claim to be within an average size of penis, this can be a bit misleading, or at least difficult to sustain on the basis of this new research on a global scale. As noted in Science, this may be because most studies are based on an “auto-response” survey, which may not be 100% accurate.

To solve this problem and get a more reliable set of data, a team of researchers from Stanford University and other European universities decided to compile measurements taken by health professionals, who have all followed a standardized measurement procedure.

Including both thickness and length measurements from more than 55,000 samples, the outcome is a downward revision of what is usually considered the average size of the erect member, outside the scientific world.

Here are the current official data:

The average penis SIZE:

In addition, and this is very interesting, after adjusting for geographic region, age and population of the subjects, it was determined that erect penis length increased by 24% over the last 29 years.

When they looked for correlations with other characteristics of the body, such as testicular size, weight or foot size, they were unable to establish consistent correlations.

In terms of race, this study indicated that men from Oceania ranked first with an average of 15.71 centimeters while Africans ranked second with an average of 14.88 centimeters in erection. This is another of the characteristics highlighted by this study on Britishness that failed to find any evidence in relation to race, since the vast majority of the measurements were of Caucasians.

So what are the conclusions? Perhaps the primary conclusions are, as we have mentioned on other occasions, that we should stop being so hard on ourselves because of what we see on the internet or in magazines as this is not an accurate representation of the average penis. But if you still feel concerned, bear in mind there are reliable and durable surgical methods that can help enlarge your penis at least lengthwise, as it is a fact that there are no lasting methods for increasing thickness, at the moment.

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Este contenido médico ha sido actualizado y revisado por revisado por el comité científico de Andromedi en la siguiente fecha: 5 April 2024


Dr. Natalio Cruz

Natalio Cruz MD, with 25 years of medical experience, has been until 2016 Head of the Andrology Unit in the Urology Service of the Virgen del Rocío Hospital in Seville, National Coordinator of Andrology in the Spanish Association of Urology (AEU) and General Secretary in the ESSM, positions that he has narrowed to focus squarely on this exciting project of offering a high-level private medical consultation in Marbella, Seville, Madrid and Tenerife.

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