
I wrote to thank Dr. Cruz and his team for the work done in my husband’s operation. He had a vasectomy 7 years ago and we wanted to have another child. We met Dr. Cruz in July and on the 31st, he was already doing the vasectomy reversal.   Well, today is February 24th and […]

I wrote to thank Dr. Cruz and his team for the work done in my husband’s operation. He had a vasectomy 7 years ago and we wanted to have another child. We met Dr. Cruz in July and on the 31st, he was already doing the vasectomy reversal.


Well, today is February 24th and I am 4 weeks pregnant. We are very happy and excited, all thanks to Dr. Cruz. Thank you very much for reading and if you are thinking about going for a Vasovasostomy, do not doubt it.



Patients of Vasovasostomy (2014)

June 3, 2016

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