Antonio Conde

We no longer have doubts; we are going to be parents! After the reversal of the vasectomy, I did 7 years ago. My partner is now pregnant.   Just three months later and we have proof of the effectiveness of this technique (vasovasostomy) and the incredible professionalism of Dr. Cruz. Thank you very much for […]

We no longer have doubts; we are going to be parents! After the reversal of the vasectomy, I did 7 years ago. My partner is now pregnant.


Just three months later and we have proof of the effectiveness of this technique (vasovasostomy) and the incredible professionalism of Dr. Cruz. Thank you very much for taking care of us from day one. In addition to his great professionalism, Dr. Cruz is characterized by his humanity and patience. We wrote and called a lot and he always answered our questions very politely.


We hope everything goes well, and we will keep you informed about how the baby is growing.

Thank you very much for making our dream come true.


Antonio Conde

Vasovasostomy patient (2016)

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