
I want to use this medium to express my deep gratitude to Dr. Natalio Cruz and his team of specialists, who were able to solve a problem I had suffered from for so many years. Thanks to their preparation and proper planning, I was able to move to Seville and have the surgical operation to […]

I want to use this medium to express my deep gratitude to Dr. Natalio Cruz and his team of specialists, who were able to solve a problem I had suffered from for so many years.

Thanks to their preparation and proper planning, I was able to move to Seville and have the surgical operation to correct the congenital curvature of the penis which I suffered from.


Thank you very much, Dr. Cruz, for making me feel confident and secure throughout the entire process until my recovery. Now, it has improved my self-esteem, and I am more confident in the development of my sex life.

While waiting for everything to go on well, I hope you can continue to help more patients as much as you helped me all leading to a better quality of life.


Grateful for everything.



Patient with congenital curvature of the penis (2016)

March 17, 2017

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