Pedro GN

A few months ago, I underwent surgery to lengthen my penis in the clinic of Dr. Cruz. My case consisted of liposuction of the pubis and the cutting of the suspensory ligament. The results of this intervention have been excellent, and far better than expected; so, I can say without any doubt that the increase […]

A few months ago, I underwent surgery to lengthen my penis in the clinic of Dr. Cruz. My case consisted of liposuction of the pubis and the cutting of the suspensory ligament. The results of this intervention have been excellent, and far better than expected; so, I can say without any doubt that the increase in size has boosted my self-esteem. As recommended by the doctor, I am currently using a penis extender to preserve and increase the centimeters gained in the operation, and at the moment everything is going very well. I would like to thank Dr. Cruz with all my heart for his wisdom and good work, as well as his closeness and willingness to answer all my questions and concerns during the course of the treatment.


Pedro GN

Penis enlargement patient (2018)

May 22, 2018

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