Low Intensity shock wave therapy: A new treatment for erectile disfunction

Andromedi Clinic: in professional hands Shock wave therapy is effective in treating erectile dysfunction. A new application of devices generating shock waves makes it possible for impotence to be cured. Renova is a device that generates a low intensity shock wave which is not focused on one point, but rather focuses along a 60 mm […]

The 4 surgical techniques most demanded to urologists

Curvature of the penis A moderately curved (bent or crooked) penis is very normal in males. The problem begins when this curvature affects or makes sexual intercourse difficult, or when urination is difficult or causes pain to the patient. The curved penis has two possible clinical forms: Incurvature from birth (congenital curve of the penis) […]

Recepción y hall de entrada de Andromedi Sevilla

Andromedi opens a new Clinic in the Canary Islands

ANDROMEDI CHOOSES TENERIFE AS THE FIRST STONE IN ITS NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL EXPANSION PLAN. Since February 1st, patients in the Canary Islands have a new help to solve their problems in Urology, Andrology, and Sexual Medicine. Specifically, Andromedi, the health company founded and directed by Dr. Natalio Cruz, will open its practice in La Laguna, […]

Joven tomando un cafe y mirando su movil

Until what age does the penis develop? At what age does it stop growing?

Ever since the formation of the fetus, the penis is growing and developing but, by and large, the most notable stage is around the age of thirteen. We can say that after the age of eighteen, the penis will have acquired its final form, i.e. Neither size nor shape will vary much …… although every […]

Hombre despierta con una erección

Why do men wake up with an erection in the morning?

Waking up with an erection is a curious but often uncomfortable phenomenon that much of the world’s population has to deal with quite regularly. What is the scientific explanation behind this “Morning Power”? Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT), using the correct terminology, refers to spontaneous erections that occur during sleep or when waking up. All men, […]

New Low Intensity Shockwave Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction

Low Intensity Shockwave Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction. An effective treatment to Cure Impotence. Shockwave therapy is effective in the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction. A new application of shockwave generators can cure impotence. We have dedicated a special section to this treatment which can be found on the following link: More information on Low Intensity Shockwave […]

Niño en pañales acostado

8 Keys to understanding congenital penile curvature (CPC)

1. congenital penile curvature (CPC) is caused by an asymmetric embryonic development of the corpora cavernosa. This curve of the penis during erection is usually ventral, and can be so severe (even more than 90 degrees) that sex can be very difficult or even impossible. 2. It is a relatively common disease in the Andrology […]

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