Rezum aplicación del tratamiento

Laparoscopic surgery for prostate

Cirugía laparoscópica para próstata Desde siempre, la glándula prostática ha sido uno de los órganos más intervenidos en varones a partir de la cuarta década de vida, sin embargo, los métodos convencionales como la cirugía abierta traían consigo infinidad de efectos colaterales indeseados que hacían que muchos pacientes se quedaran sin tratamiento mientras las enfermedades […]


Rezum System: a New Therapy for Prostate Hyperplasia

“An enlarged prostate gland is a fairly common condition in men over 50 years of age and a novel minimally invasive technique has shown exceptional results by reducing the size and reducing obstructive signs.” Introduction to the REZUM System Until just over five years ago, enlarged prostates used to undergo cumbersome, expensive and invasive surgical […]

Laser prostate surgery

Within the surgical techniques to treat enlarged prostate, the laser is a fairly accurate and safe therapeutic option. Traditionally, prostate surgeries had been performed with conventional methods but in recent decades has emerged a boom in more modern techniques such as laparoscopic interventions and the use of laser. The latter has been a great ally […]

Prostate biopsy by magnetic resonance fusion with prostate ultrasound

Evolution of prostate cancer diagnosis Prostate cancer is perhaps one of the most complicated diseases affecting men today, not only because of physical and mental exhaustion, like any other type of neoplasm, but also because of the complexity of its diagnosis and the risk of death. Despite being one of the most studied types of […]

Impotence, incontinence and other problems after prostate surgery

The after-effects of a prostatectomy are often severe. When a patient receives the news at the specialist’s office that he must undergo TUR (trans-urethral resection), he is often unaware that it is a medical condition that will affect him in the medium and long term in his daily life. We are talking about the so-called […]

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