New Low Intensity Shockwave Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction

Low Intensity Shockwave Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction. An effective treatment to Cure Impotence. Shockwave therapy is effective in the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction. A new application of shockwave generators can cure impotence. We have dedicated a special section to this treatment which can be found on the following link: More information on Low Intensity Shockwave […]

Low Intensity Shockwave Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction. An effective treatment to Cure Impotence.

Shockwave therapy is effective in the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction. A new application of shockwave generators can cure impotence.

We have dedicated a special section to this treatment which can be found on the following link:

More information on Low Intensity Shockwave Therapy

Este contenido médico ha sido actualizado y revisado por revisado por el comité científico de Andromedi en la siguiente fecha: 5 April 2024
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Dr. Natalio Cruz

Natalio Cruz MD, with 25 years of medical experience, has been until 2016 Head of the Andrology Unit in the Urology Service of the Virgen del Rocío Hospital in Seville, National Coordinator of Andrology in the Spanish Association of Urology (AEU) and General Secretary in the ESSM, positions that he has narrowed to focus squarely on this exciting project of offering a high-level private medical consultation in Marbella, Seville, Madrid and Tenerife.

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